Establishment and registration of companies - Registration of entrepreneurs in Montenegro


The Law on Commercial Companies of Montenegro

The Law on Foreign Investments Montenegro

The Labour Law Montenegro


Limited Liability Company - corresponds to the form LTD and the most present form of the company. May be established by one person or more domestic or foreign legal entities or individuals.

Stock company - the initial capital for the establishment of the Stock company is at least 25,000.00 euros. It should be established, when capital is collected by sell of shares. LTD can be transformed into a joint stock company.

All legal regulations pertaining to the establishment, operation and taxation system are in line with European standards, with benefits for foreign investors in order to increase the number of foreign investors in Montenegro.


Foreign legal and natural persons have the right to set up a company (limited liability company and joint stock company) in Montenegro under the same conditions as domestic persons.
The Company may establish one or more founders.

Foreigners can establish a company in certain areas related to the defense industry and other areas that are related to the military and security which is regulated by the Law on Foreign Investment.

Foreigners are entitled to exemption from customs duties on materials and equipment for production, except for passenger cars and equipment for games of chance.                       Income tax for foreigners is 9%.
                      Customs duties on imports of goods amounted to about 2%
                      Customs duty on imports of automobilia 2-6%


                      The company, owned by a foreigner may buy property without restrictions. After obtaining the necessary approval from the Ministry of Finance of the property is registered in the name of the buyer - the company


The tax system is the same as for domestic firms. Tax (VAT) is the same as for domestic companies and 17% (except for certain areas of food, medicines, computers, etc.), where they were reduced to 9% or exempted from payment. Income taxes for the foreign company is 9%.
Founder - the alien has the right the profit at the end of the financial year to transfer to his personal account abroad (pre-pay income tax).


Director of the company may be foreign or domestic person. The director can not be employed in another company, which is a problem when paying state contributions for health and pension insurance (not to be paid into a double contribution). If the director is a foreign citizen, it is necessary to appoint a person, residing in Montenegro, and entered in Central Registry (authorized representative) , to represent him at the Tax Administration. If an alien has a residence in Montenegro should not have authorized representative. Employees in the company can be domestic and foreign nationals. Getting a residence permit is the responsibility of the police and is supplied with a specific procedure.


For a business, are applicable regulations which are valid in Montenegro. For bookkeeping is most effective to engage a registered bookkeeping agency. If greater volume of trade then it is the best to hire an expert - bookkeeper.

Infolab - Entrepreneurs are born, not made

The process of the firm - company registration in Montenegro

A good business idea is the first step towards a successful business. The realization of your business idea involves a set of administrative steps to define your future business in details.

Important activities, at this stage, you need to make are:

Choosing a company

Providing data for your business

- Company name
- Legal form of the establishment,
- The headquarters of the company,
- Activities that will engage your company,
- Personal data of the person who opens the company and the director (name, address, MB, passport number)

Preparation documents for opening of company

- The formation of the founding documents - the agreement on the opening of the company
- The formation of the statute,
- Preparation of registration forms,
- Preparation authenticated signature ...

The signing of the document by a notary

- Verification of documents in court

Register with the Central Register

- Company registration in the Commercial Court,
- Registration of TIN, VAT, customs number, bank account.

With quality advice from our team, we can help you to start your business in Montenegro

    With our assistance you can choose:
  • √ Legal form of organization (Ltd, joint stock company, entrepreneur etc.),
  • √ Activity code,
  • √ Company name.
    With our help you get
  • √ Foundation act (decision-Treaty establishing, the Statute)
  • √ Decision on registration of company
  • √ Registration number
  • √ TIN
  • √ VAT
  • √ Customs Code
  • √ Company stamp
  • √ Bank account
    And you can get answers to main questions about:
  • √ VAT system,
  • √ Possession of a fiscal cash register,
  • √ Employer's obligations,
  • √ Employee's obligations,
  • √ Employment of foreign citizens,
  • √ Signing contracts and other.

“The secret of business is knowing something that nobody else knows“

Aristotel Onassis